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  • Writer's picturebrendaleebolts

What happened in 1921?!

Updated: Feb 14, 2020

Looks like there was a little work done on my place in 1921...Ken says he just noticed this today. Pretty cool!

Poor old peely-paint house, but here come the flowers to cheer it up!

.....And the first room is painted...this will most likely end up as the master bathroom. It's weird that it is the front of the house, but it is too small to really be anything else. Plus it has great windows! It must have been the front porch at one time.

I have that old clawfoot tub sitting in NOLA just crying for a spot...

These pictures aren't the greatest..haha..I am at the mercy of other cameramen. And the paint is REALLY shiny...but it was CHEAP and there was a lot of it, so I will live with it! At least it will all be CLEAN and WHITE and the gal doing it is doing a nice (and fast) job!

Ken also ripped out the world's OLDEST dishwasher at the Farmhouse today...he says he got pictures of, it is so old we should donate it to a museum! It must have been the first one ever invented. LOL. It cracks me up that the house is so old it barely has indoor plumbing, but that farmer's wife got herself the world's very FIRST dishwasher.

A woman after my own heart.


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1 Comment

Feb 25, 2020

This is awesome. I can’t wait to see what you do with the place. Thank you for sharing!

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