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  • Writer's picturebrendaleebolts

We have a living room

This old house has the FUNKY-ist layout, there is nothing else you can say, it's just flat out weird. So this was maybe a bedroom back in the day? But I decided it made the most sense as a living room, so I asked Ken to take the door off and widen the doorway to double what it was. The wider entrance feels less 'closed off'.

This is also the house of a thousand doors.

It has 7 doors going outside, and there are 3 front doors! Yes, 3 front doors!?! I guess these Kramr folks liked options. LOL

We now have a header up and once that is painted, it will look like it's always been that wide.

And since we are on the subject of weird, how do you like the sink in the middle of the screened porch? Get this: it works!

I couldn't stop laughing when I went to move it, and realized it was plumbed!

Tell me, was that so Grandpa Kramr could wash his hands before coming into the house...or did they clean fish there, or maybe it's a Hillbilly wet bar? It's a mystery!

I asked the 'good son' what the story with the sink was, he asked his mom, she said it was there when she married into the family in the 1960's!

While all the painting and stuff is going on at the Farmhouse, I am gathering goodies out here in CA and my garage is at the bursting point! This stuff needs to get back there somehow. I can't help it, I keep finding the goodies and I can't pass them up. I aways thank my dad for the hoarding gene, but then I remember I'm adopted so I have to face the truth. This is ALL me. Lol.

Peep at some of the scores:

That pot rack weighs a TON. Hoping it will work in the kitchen, but if not, it's pretty easy to sell stuff in Round Top.

Yeah, I know $300 ain't cheap, but these big butcher blocks are expensive and this one is big and long and yes, size matters, right? It also weighs about 10 tons and I still feel it in my back. I wish it looked older, but that's ok, it can be made to look older, or not.

It will make a great island.

To redeem myself on that splurge of a butcher block, here is my best deal, this dresser was FREE! A little 'orange wood food' wiped on it and she is beautiful and like new. I didn't snap a picture after the orange stuff went on before I put her in the garage so this dried out pic is all I have. You are gonna have to trust me, she looks amazing now.Can you believe FREE? People just don't appreciate old stuff anymore.

Second best deal is this cabinet for $4. Yup...4 bucks.

I'm thinking bathroom to hold towels and pretties...but who knows?

I gotta stop before I run out of room. HeLp!

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