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  • Writer's picturebrendaleebolts

To Texas and back, part 3

Barb's friend Eunice came down for an overnight too...she brought us yummy pumpkin cakes what an amazing baker she is! I hear her lemon bars are to die for as well....I will keep my fingers crossed for those on our next visit!

We ate and ate during this good stuff thanks to Ken, who dropped off pork ribs one night, and amazing potato soup the next. We ate out a bunch we are enjoying breakfast at Orsacks Cafe...which is close to the house and always terrific.

Barb and Laura treated us all to a wonderful steak dinner at JW's one night.

Okay, now we need to talk about PECANS.

I did not know that my place had pecan trees until long after I bought it.

Seriously, pecans!

The trees were LOADED with them!

We all gathered them, constantly. It's kind of therapeutic. I mean, it's like an Easter egg hunt, only better and easier!

We gathered a Home Depot bucketful in just a few hours of gathering.

My trees were dropping them like crazy and I had to borrow a suitcase from Ken to bring them home. No WAY was I gonna leave all this deliciousness there! I think I must have packed 45lbs home with me. God Bless Southwest Airlines - they don't charge extra for baggage.

( you thought I was kidding, right?)

Pecans were all over in the farmhouse too. In the cars, in my pants pockets, even Phoebe got in on the act, she enjoyed crunching the shells open. She may even have eaten a few.

One day, while we were out shopping, I got this pic of Pheebs from the Kramr cousin Kathleen...who texted me "Is Phoebe supposed to be outside?"

Apparently I didn't shut one of the many doors in the house very well and she got out!

Kathleen said she was very good and was just sitting on the lawn, but started to howl a little so they came and kept her company. I had just left the girls to shop and was headed back, thank God..but who knows how long she had been out front?!? YIKES.

I sure didn't need the extra grey hair - thanks Pheebes!

I was so happy she was fine that I couldn't be mad at her.

Barb found some funny kitchen towels at YaYa Gurlz..I love the "Quaint as F"one.

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