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  • Writer's picturebrendaleebolts

To Texas and back, part 2

Updated: Nov 10, 2020

Unloading and cleaning. Cleaning and unloading. Lots of it. I have company coming so no time to rest, I had to whip that Farmhouse into shape before my girls arrive!

This old farmhouse hasn't been lived in since the 70s...luckily the family kept it in pretty good shape, but it still needed to be scrubbed and de-bugged, etc,

We tore up the world's oldest vinyl & carpet, and drug that out, swept and vacuumed and got it as clean as possible, bug bombed it that night....then moved in the furniture I brought out the next day.

I also had 2 storage units there in town to unload. My arms STILL HURT to this day!

I've got bruises all over from moving heavy stuff and I lost 10lbs. LOL.

Silvia came out to see a friend and he brought her down to see me for a few 'too short' hours...and they even helped unload some of my furniture and boxes. He told her he didn't sign up for THAT..LOL.

I loved showing her the house and we stopped long enough to go have lunch and see a bit of the show.

MAN do I look tired in this

It was wonderful to see Silvia...and we vowed not to let that much time go by in between visits.

This arrived in the mail when I got home to CA....I love it. Thank you Silvia!

(Wish I had put makeup on..LOL)

Here are a few before and afters of the rooms:

Pretty front guest room...I love this room. Ken removed the sad little light and installed a beautiful ceiling fan he found in his magic shed. Anything you need, Ken seems to find in his magic shed. It's like the bag Hermione Grainger has in Harry Potter where she reaches in and pulls out anything.

I didn't remove the carpet due to the cold snap we had just as Barb and Laura were due in, and I am glad I left it. It isn't in terrible shape and made the room cozier for them. With a couple of room heaters the girls said they were warm and comfy!

My room had the uglies...big time! We didn't pull up the carpet in here, and it was icky...but I left it for warmth. It will GO soon. lol. Ken took out that ugly light and I had him put a chandelier I brought out for may end up staying right here in Texas!

I got the bed here in Texas awhile back, it was out in a lady's garden...I had to pick off some little vines! LOL

It fits the space pretty well.

And Laura and Barbara arrived the next day! Ready to brave the old Farmhouse and SHOP till they DROPPED! LOL

The cold snap arrived too, man Texas weather is CrAzY!

They were such great guests, no complaints and so much fun. They said they will come back in Spring so I think they had a great time! They sure spoiled ME!!

We hit Marburger first...they loved it. I love it too.

It amazes me that the big tents go up and the vendors set up the amazingly gorgeous booths in a matter of days! I didn't get many pix this time...but here are a few..

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