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  • Writer's picturebrendaleebolts

To Texas and back...part 1

Updated: Nov 10, 2020

Where to even begin? I didn't have a second to post along the way - there was so much to do! So I will break this down into parts.

Well, Ken flew out here to CA and he had a couple days for me to show him around. He had only ever been to Santa Monica beach, so I had to take him to see Laguna. I may be biased, but I think it's the most beautiful beach ever. (Santa Barbara may be a smidge prettier, but we won't tell Ken that)

Ken is "Mr. Fix it Extraordinaire". There is NOTHING this man can't fix/build/make.

I met him when Owen's place needed an air conditioner put in or Pheebes and I would've had to sleep in the car...a local Round Top seller told me to call Ken to put it in.

When Hell gets too cold, Satan goes to Texas in the summer, let me tell you. Anyway, Ken is a lifesaver. He likes to drive he agreed to drive with me if I flew him out. DEAL!

We left MV in the morning and made it all the way to Las Cruses New Mexico in one day.

Tina the Truck hummed along all the way and it was awesome.

Bye California!

Hello Texas!

So the next day the plan was to make it to my farm. And we ALMOST made it.

After crossing a thousand miles of desert, just as we pulled into Fredericksburg TX...

Tina the Truck started making a horrible noise!

We thought we picked up something underneath it...but it was not that easy.

Turns out Uhauls have a special parking brake assembly that goes around the driveshaft

and it just broke.

Sounded like a bunch of rocks in a metal bucket!

So we had a mechanic look at it, and he felt we could go slow and make it to the farm. Fredericksburg is about 1.5 hours away.

So we limped along the rest of the way...but we made it!

I was never so happy as when we parked that truck at my place.

Now the REAL work begins!

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