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  • Writer's picturebrendaleebolts

The countdown is ON


I am getting so excited to finally get back to Texas and get some much needed work done on that poor, shabby Farmhouse! Look how SAD she is!

(Who on Earth but ME would look forward to this?)

Paint is going to be the priority this trip, unless the weather doesn't cooperate, and in that case, the back up plans is the inside flooring. But Mr. Weatherman says perfect temps are expected, so fingers crossed!

Of course the Show will be raging, and I will have to control myself because these days paint ain't cheap! Work now, play later! However....

This wonderful old Hotel is very close to my place, and they do a great happy hour! The food is fantastic and the gals that own the Hotel are super cute. They decorated the place really nicely too. I meant to take Barb, Laura and Eunice there but time got away from us! This trip for sure!! Barb is coming in for the last part of the trip and Eunice will come down for a day or 2, so I will have some fun then. Barb says she is bring painting clothes but I am NOT gonna let her work. Too much fun to be had at the show!


Right before Barb and Laura arrived for the last show, a bitter cold snap was headed our way, so I called this hotel to see if they had rooms available, just in case the girls would be more comfortable. They were solid booked, but the innkeeper was SO sweet, she said they had extra room heaters and I could come borrow them.

THAT is what Texas small town folks are like, and a HUGE reason I fell in love with the area.

Isn't it a cool old brick building? They feature local artists in the dining room and it is always fun to see what is there.

Here is a link to the Round Top Magazine, check it out, there are new venues for this year and since Texas is now officially FULLY open for biz ..

(thank you Gov. Abbott and God Bless YOU)

I expect the show this time will be HUGE!

Not too sure how we will do for the wildflowers this year, since we had the snow...I am keeping my fingers crossed that it won't stop the Bluebonnets. They are SO beautiful, and I want to see them in my fields! Even though it snowed, Ken says there are STILL pecans on my trees. Those things are hanging on for dear life!?

Here are a couple of pix of my place with the super rare white stuff.

It would've been fun to show Phoebe the snow, but with no insulation in the house, I can bet I would've frozen solid. I will stick to Spring and

Ken sent me one photo where there were a bunch of cows huddled in that barn. I hope I saved it! Poor things. Texas critters aren't used to that cold!

This is much more like it!

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