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  • Writer's picturebrendaleebolts

Waiting and waiting....

Updated: Dec 17, 2019

I've been trying to buy this place since summer. Seriously. But the end is in sight...we get a ruling on Dec 13th I am told. If that goes well, I will be able to actually finish this purchase!

It feels like i have been in limbo forever!

There is so much I want to do, but I've had to wait in this holding pattern for months! Frustration!

Looking at the pictures of this Farmhouse, I know my friends are scratching their heads..WHY would anyone want this old pile? :)

Hopefully, under old wavy vinyl and yucky carpet lie beautiful wooden floors..and when she is finally painted inside and out, perhaps then I won't look so insane...

I have plans for this ol' farmhouse...

This bed was out in someone's garden for the longest time, till I saw it for sale. Can't wait to make it pretty again too.

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