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  • Writer's picturebrendaleebolts

More painting, and some fun stuff too

The first 5 days of my 'vacation' really blurred together....I found myself asking Ken 'what day is this?', because it was like that movie "Groundhog Day".Get up, eat breakfast somewhere and work till dark. It starts getting dark around 7:45ish at night in spring, so that meant long days of work.

Finally I couldn't take it anymore and decided I have to have plants. And a pool.

Okay, not really a pool, but a Stock Tank is close enough for me! When it is 100+ degrees in Texas, you MUST have something to cool off in. I have been so hot there I would have jumped in anyone's pond.

Texans call regular ponds 'tanks' out there, so weird, I guess that's a Texas thing.

Stock tank pools are all the rage on Pinterest...and I have been wanting one forever.

How cute are these??

The local hardware store happened to have a couple in stock, so on the truck one went!

It felt great to spend money on something fun for a change! I was tired of buying the other stuff. I also got some beautiful azaleas for the front of the house. I saved those for Barb to plant, since she wanted to work when she arrives. LOL...digging in the soil in Texas is a LOT different than the soil at home.

So here it is, and it will stay right there till my next visit, when I hope to 'pretty it up'.

I'd love a deck and a big cactus behind it...I will see what I can talk Ken into building, if he is still speaking to me after all he has done this

It's pretty cute already, isn't it?

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