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  • Writer's picturebrendaleebolts

It's been too long between posts!

Shame on me for letting this blog just sit here, when so much time has passed! Here are a few pictures from my last visit with Barb. As always, we had a blast and did a little work as well.

Our weather for the last visit was perfect. Barb found many treasures and I mostly looked since I was unemployed. But the great news is, I have a new job to start in the New Year, and it's with a big company, so no more stupid start-ups for me! Purina is a huge company and I loved the folks I will be working with. The best part is I can do the job from anywhere.

So now, loading Big Tina the tuck and making plans to relocate.

We got the truck unloaded and I got to hang up signs I've collected and get my bookcase into the living room so I could display all my pretty books and western goodies found at my swap. Little stuff like that makes me so happy!

We also got to attend "Lickskillet Days" in Fayetteville, it's the 1st time it fell within our fall visit and Barb and I were thrilled. It was so cute, there was a band (with a guy playing a rake!?), food, stuff to look at and buy plus a sweet parade. Small town parades are THE BEST! We both agreed there were not enough horses so maybe next year we can join? :)

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