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  • Writer's picturebrendaleebolts

It's almost Showtime!

The Spring Round Top show is gearing up to least I think it is, I just heard the South/Southwest Music Festival in Austin has been cancelled who knows? Honestly I think this whole Corona Virus stuff is being blown WAY out of proportion. Fear porn is real. It makes for great rating on the "News" channels. It seems like we get a doomsday headline every week, climate change is gonna kill us, North Korea is gonna kill us, Corona Virus is the latest thing that we are all gonna die from. Yawn.

I've booked my flight, if the show is happening great. if not, well, I will get more done on the place. Phoebe and I will have a great time no matter what. I've missed the local dives and can't wait to revisit some favorites.

Okay - more boring house pix....

Looking shiny and fresh! So the interior paint is done, except for the funky 'tacked on' laundry-pantry' room off of the kitchen...

That's the laundry room to the right of the green screen door.

Man that exterior sure is shabby. Don't worry house, I will get to that eventually!

Pretty sure I want to tackle the floors when I arrive, I can get them sanded and stained (hopefully) while I am out. AND maybe that will keep me for shopping. (maybe)

I'm too broke to shop anyway, let's call it LOOKING, because I better not be buying ANYTHING.

The floor looks pretty great under that carpet! Shouldn't take a lot to get it sanded and stained. Then this place will start looking somewhat livable! I wish I could wave a wand, have it done and get all my stuff out there and in the house.

I'm so impatient. Hopefully we can get it to something close to this finish.

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