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  • Writer's picturebrendaleebolts

Friends are the absolute BEST

Updated: May 4, 2021

I'm so lucky I have such amazing friends. I feel blessed every day for my buddies, like Barb and Christy.

Who would show up in Round Top, where the there is so much fun stuff to do, and WANT to work on an old farmhouse instead?

That would be my buddy Barbara. She already knew all about how freakin bad this place was, after braving a stay the first time, and yet she still came back out and INSISTED on painting, scraping, pruning and planting.

She can NOT be believe me, I tried!

Man I look awful, but look at Barb, scraper in hand and happy as a clam! LOL She is a powerhouse! Always up for a challenge, and those old screens really were a challenge...but

I think the hardest thing Barb had to do was motivate ME, because by the time she arrived I was DONE...I was OVER she whipped me back into shape with her enthusiasm.

I would've been more than happy to hang up the work and run out and have fun, but she wouldn't hear of it.

Christy happened to be in Texas for work, so she popped by and ended up staying a couple of nights. She jumped in to work on those screens too. Amazing. I owe these girls so much!

Look at them, they even worked on shelling pecans at night!

We laughed and I love these girls.

Here's Barb pruning the crape myrtle in the front yard. She wanted this picture to show her husband Bob that she got up on this giant ladder. Now the crape myrtle looks great and we have beautiful azaleas planted under the front windows, thanks to Barb.

The old place is starting to shine!

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