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  • Writer's picturebrendaleebolts

Fresh paint, fountains and more

Where do I start?

I had zero time on my trip to stop and post, and I painted so much I couldn't use my hands to type...I wonder if they will ever stop hurting?

The first order of business was to unload 'Big Tina' the truck, so we could get her to the

mechanic. That was a job, as she was packed full. Ken had built shelves in the cute little outbuilding, and I was able to get every bit stacked in.

The weather was amazing this trip felt just like CA most days.

Nice and neat.

Next we took the truck in and got her fixed. She runs like new now.

On to the bigger project.

Poor old Farmhouse has been neglected 'paint wise' for far too long.

I had a painter stop by to quote me, but it came at at $7500..

no can do.

Meanwhile, Ken replaced the well pump which we knew was bad. It wasn't working when the big freeze happened = so we hoped I had no pipe damage in the house.

When he turned the pump on, we found out pretty quickly that like the rest of Texas, my pipes were not spared...I have a new fountain in the front yard.

That fountain is not from a hose....that's from my waterline under the ground!

Phoebe thought it was great fun of course.

Not me though, because I have company coming in 5 days!!

We found other leaks under the house as well.

Thank God the house sits up high, and Ken was willing to crawl under there (EEEK)

and re=pipe it. God Bless him.

My old galvanized pipes were so rusty and gross, it just made more sense to bypass all of it and use the new pipe that doesn't freeze.

Sounds easy, right?

We had to dig a trench from the well house to the house.

"Buy a Farmhouse" they said. "It'll be fun" they said.

So, as Ken did his plumbing magic, I turned to the painting.

Scrape and scrape and scrape the old paint off and on with the new.

Amazing what a fresh coat of paint can do.

This is one TALL house...I know it doesn't look it in pictures, but it is actually REALLY big!

I had to borrow a 35ft extension ladder to get to the top of the front peak. Thank God I am not afraid of heights, but this ladder gave me the willies, it bounced if I moved too quickly.

Hard to see, but there is a light at the very top, and I managed to get a new lightbulb in that.

I'm not in a hurry to do the rest of the peaks on the house...but at least the front peak is done.

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