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  • Writer's picturebrendaleebolts

Feeling Blue

So, thanks to Corona virus, Life as we know it is cancelled. Grrrrr....I had my plane ticket in hand, and was all set to get back there to get down and dirty and get some work done on the house, and tear up the shopping when I could break away.

Someone said, life is what happens when you are making other plans, right?

So true.

We will all miss the bluebonnets, which only happen in Spring (I think), and I had hoped to see if there were any blooming near my place. Something to look forward to for next Spring I guess.

At least I can go out in Summer, while it will be unGodly hot, I will be able to work to get the place all ready for visitors for the fall show, which should be HUGE...and by then, with the house more livable, maybe have time to have more fun out and about at the show. I have a list of my shopping gf's who want to come out ( you know who you are!) and I MUST get the house ready for us all.

Since the attic is huge, I have big plans for it!

That's Paula, my realtor, and Ken, the incredible handyman, exploring up in the attic. There is a ton of space up there, as it has three 'wings'. I want Ken to put a bathroom up there, and there is room to have one bedroom here;

Yes, that is daylight you see shining didn't think I was able to buy this palace without anything to fix, did ya? It will need to be insulated, and the inside of the roof too...these support boards can be rearranged Ken assures me, and a proper doorway can be added, so this will be a separate bedroom. I think I can fit a queen in here. Fingers crossed!

This is what I am thinking to do for the other wing...

How cute are these bunks? I should be able to fit a BUNCH, and what fun to have your own little cubby bed, with curtains for a bit of privacy? I will want to sleep up there too!

Of course mine would be much more funky and colorful. These are pretty bland.

Check out this ceiling ....It would cost a fortune to drywall all that ceiling, and it just so happens there is a extra barn on the property I don't need. Actually, there are all kinds of extra buildings, some better than others. But I can use the old tin roof from that unusable barn and do this!

Don't worry, I can seal it with clear coat so it's nice and clean.

Aren't these sweet? Thank God for Pinterest..

Too much wood though, I want to keep it a bit lighter, but I love the linens. Cozy!

I told Ken I would paint the attic floor, and he was horrified. The oak up there is in beautiful shape under all that dust...but I really don't want to refinish it up there. Too much work!

I hope he will forgive me. LOL.

Till then, mark your calendars girls....

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