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  • Writer's picturebrendaleebolts

Court date came, and no protest, so....

It looks like my legal problems with this purchase are over.

The disgruntled family member who has been hanging the deal up has given up...he had 30 days to submit another protest, and he didn't show up.

THANK GOD....I am actually starting to believe I might really end up with this place! YaY!!

I have a bottle of excellent bubbly waiting in the fridge (since July..grrr) and now all I have to get is word from the title company that they accept the Judge's sign off...and I will be pouring that long awaited drink!

I have been thinking about furnishings...yes, I have tons of stuff back there in storage...but I do need some things, like couches, lights, etc.

When you sit around waiting, well, all you can do is shop Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace and Nextdoor, right? So many deals out there, and me with no truck!

I found this Eastlake dresser for FREE!!

You bet I jumped in my car and stuffed this baby in. I think I left a cloud of burned rubber.

A little orange oil cleaner and it looks like new! I can't believe what people get rid of. Beautiful solid wood, with a HEAVY marble top

and all the young folks around here want IKEA crap.

Sure am glad I can give it a home.

I found the bed for $40 here in California...the buffet I also found out here but it's now in storage in Texas. I'll be happy when I can get my stuff out of storage and into the house and free up that money to get to working on the place.

Poor ol' Farmhouse needs paint in the WORST way!

How sad is this poor house? Hang in there - I'm coming!

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