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  • Writer's picturebrendaleebolts

Changing things up

Merry Christmas 2020. What a F'ed up YEAR!

I've been blessed that my little job didn't lay us off and basically paid us to stay home...and I got a fill-in job at UPS to supplement my pitiful little bank account...

but I've had to make some hard decisions.

I am selling Ellie Mae. I haven't used her in forever, COVID killed her gigs, and I have so much I want to do to the Farmhouse that I decided it's time to let her go.

I put an ad on Facebook at a crazy high price

(hoping no one would be nuts enough to pay it),

I had some lookie-loos...but no one serious.

Until now. A lady from Anaheim wrote and said she wanted her, and I tried to discourage her, but she came out with her hubby, and that was that. Full price offer, no haggling...EEEK! I am really selling her! I told them to come get her after Christmas to give me time to let it sink in (and for me to get all my junk out of

I still can't believe it. But, it's time. I loved her, Pheebes & I had tons of fun with her and lots of adventures...but in the end, it was a LOT of work to do it by myself.

I was always so envious of the gals who have hubby's/bf's to help them haul, set up, put away, etc. Having to do it all by yourself just isn't all that fun anymore. Plus keeping a SUV registered just for hauling her...Nah. I made the right decision. There are other trailers out there if I get the itch again. I had the absolute most fun in the restoration of her.

I have all faith that things will be hugely better in 2021.

We all deserve it after this *&^%$$% Year.

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1 commentaire

27 déc. 2020

Hi Brenda, I’m sorry you sold Ellie Mae. She’s a beauty! Wishing you all the best in 2021!

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