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  • Writer's picturebrendaleebolts


So I guess the 'disgruntled brother' who contested the sale of my place for over 6 MONTHS had the nerve to show up and tell my painter that he needed to get in the house and the barns because he 'still has stuff there'!!??


What happened during the 6 months worth of time he had to ransack the place while he was holding everyone up? Just couldn't get around to it then??

Yeah, no, I'm not inclined to be accommodating, and besides, there is nothing but trash left behind anyway. Guess I am gonna need a sign.

If he decides to take a little visit anyway, he will find the sheriff is on my side of this issue.

Even though he owns a big lot next to my place, thankfully he doesn't have a home on it, and he lives outside of Houston, so hopefully he doesn't travel down my way often.

It's over dude, you lost, MOVE ON.

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